Audio Note Meishu Kapellmeister Integrated Amplifier
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The Kapellmeister is the ultimate version of our award winning Meishu Tonmeister 300B Single Ended Triode integrated amplifier, taking the design to full Level 5 performance and component quality.
Please contact us for pricing information.
The Kapellmeister is the ultimate version of our award winning Meishu Tonmeister 300B Single Ended Triode integrated amplifier, taking the design to full Level 5 performance and component quality.
Please contact us for pricing information.
The Kapellmeister is the ultimate version of our award winning Meishu Tonmeister 300B Single Ended Triode integrated amplifier, taking the design to full Level 5 performance and component quality.
The Meishu Phono Kapellmeister is a Pure Class A Singled Ended valve amplifier that uses the highly regarded 300B directly heated triode valve, producing a level of performance that is radically superior to the vast majority of current designs.
The circuit is a beautiful example of elegant simplification, something that could only be realised thanks to our ability to create extremely closely matched transformers in-house, and having our own supply of custom resistors, in-house made foil capacitors and custom made electrolytic capacitors. These allow us to have extremely tight control over the performance and voicing of the complete signal path, from input to output, something that is simply beyond the possibilities of manufacturers who have to rely on 'off the shelf' components.
The result is an amplifier that maintains the legendary musicality, midrange magic and glorious tonal colour of the Meishu Tonmeister, whilst bringing new and previously unheard levels of information retrieval and dynamic expression. This is the current ‘state of the art’ when it comes to 300B SET integrated amplifiers!
The Meishu Kapellmeister includes the following components:
In house designed and manufactured, fully silver wired Double C Core Perma 50% nickel interstage and output transformers
In house designed and manufactured, copper wired Double C Core UHiB mains transformer, Double C Core IHiB filament transformer, and Double C Core UHiB choke
Silver internal signal wiring throughout
Audio Note (UK) Silver signal capacitors
Audio Note (UK) STD, Kaisei and Blackgate Electrolytic Capacitors
Audio Note (UK) 1W and 2W Non-Magnetic Tantalum, Non-Magnetic Silver
Tantalum, Non-Magnetic Niobium and Non-magnetic Silver Niobium Resistors
Audio Note (UK) custom resistor based mono stepped attenuators using
Non-Magnetic Tantalum resistors
Point-to-point silver hand-wired circuit, using Permali and Tufnol board materials.
Input Impedance: 100K Ohm, line level / 47K Ohm Phono
Input Sensitivity: 110mV for full output
Maximum Output: 8 Watts (approx.) per channel into 4 or 8 Ohm loads
Channel Balance: +/- 0.3dB
Valve Complement: 1 x 5U4G / 2 x 300B / 1 x 6463 / 1 x CV4068 / 3 x 5670 (phono stage)
Unit Weight: 35 KG
Unit Dimensions: 220mm (h) x 460mm (w) x 530mm (d)
Mains Input: AC 100-120V / 220-240V 50/60Hz
Max. Power Consumption: 200W
Due to Audio Note (UK)'s ongoing research and development program, specifications are subject to change without notice.