Pass Labs XP-17 Phono Stage
XP-17 uses the new-shielded low noise toroid and input filter module, like the XP-12. The power supply has an extra stage of RC filtering. We have lower radiated and mechanical noise.
XP-17 uses the new-shielded low noise toroid and input filter module, like the XP-12. The power supply has an extra stage of RC filtering. We have lower radiated and mechanical noise.
XP-17 uses the new-shielded low noise toroid and input filter module, like the XP-12. The power supply has an extra stage of RC filtering. We have lower radiated and mechanical noise.
“Exceptional resolution and dynamics. Stringed instruments sounded divine with richness and fullness, not just details only for the sake of details–the natural timbre of those strings played the prominent role; they were brought to life. Exquisite.”
The XP-17 has an all-new input circuit that is symmetrical and lower in noise and distortion with greater drive capability. Noise is the most prominent part of THD+N in the first section of a phono stage. By lowering noise we get better resolution and dynamics.
Designed with a split EQ network like the XP 25 and XS Phono that is more accurate and can handle greater signal levels.
The secondary stage runs a higher bias output stage with auto bias.
The numerous loading options from the XP-15 are all still available and three gain settings to accommodate low output MC to MM cartridges.
Gain options: 56, 66, 76dB
Inputs: 1
RIAA response: plus/minus .1 dB 20-20 KHz
Power consumption: 40 watts
Number of chassis: 1
Dimensions, each chassis: 17”W x 12”D x 4”H
Weight (Lbs): 19